This year, we have added El Mezcal and La Esperanza to our E-Cafe producer group.


A lot of new producers tend to not fully grasp the idea of E-Cafe in the beginning stage. It is mostly due to the fact that they have been working independently without any association to unions or companies. Most of them used to sell the coffee to whoever gave them the most amount of money.

For that reason, they didn’t need to have a standard for their own coffee in the past. Maximum coffee yield leading to more money was the best for them.

Since they started working with E-Cafe, we have been telling the producers a different approach to coffee harvest. It is not hard to do so but it requires more steps and time.
As always, it is about picking ripe cherry, pulping on time, removing cerezo.

Our finca manager Delmar explained to them how we do at Finca Las Chicharras step by step.


They asked Delmar a lot of questions on what they need to do to improve and


We hope that they have gained a new experience and perspective on coffee farming!