Our Finca Las Chicharras won 5th at Cup of Excellence 2018 Mexico!

 The score was 89.60. By, 0.4 points, we didn’t make presidential but still we are so grateful!

The Cup of Excellence is an annual competition held in 11 countries each year to identify the highest quality coffees produced. It is organized by Alliance for Coffee Excellence.

Coffees are submitted to national juries who test and cup hundreds of coffee to select top scoring coffees. COE discovers the unknown coffee producers to the world stage and organizes an auction for coffees in the international round.

The coffee producers are motivated by the reward of COE which results in improving coffee quality year by year. Also it inspires fellow producers to focus more on the quality.

The COE Mexico auction is set to be held on June 27th. Please go to join the auction and bid for Finca Las Chicharras!